How to Cook Perfectly Grilled Steak in 2024 – Tips and Tricks

Grilling that perfect, juicy steak with a nice char on the outside but still pink on the inside can seem daunting to even experienced home cooks. However, with some simple tips and tricks, you can consistently cook restaurant-quality steaks right in your own backyard. In this article we talk about How To Cook Perfectly Grilled Steak In 2024-Tips and Tricks.

Choose The Right Cut

The first step is selecting the best cut of steak for grilling. Here are some top options:

  • Ribeye – This well-marbled cut is very flavorful and tender. The high fat content makes it perfect for grilling.
  • Strip Steak – Also known as New York strip, this lean and tender steak has a bold, beefy flavor.
  • Tenderloin – Extremely tender but with less fat, tenderloins cook quickly making them perfect for grilling.
  • Flank Steak – A thinner cut that needs quick grilling over high heat. Slice against the grain when serving.
  • Skirt Steak – Similar to flank with lots of flavor. Needs to be cooked rare or medium-rare to prevent toughness.

No matter which cut you choose, look for steaks that are 1-2 inches thick for the best grilling results. Avoid thin cuts that will overcook too quickly.

Prep The Meat Properly

Before firing up your grill, you need to get your steaks prepped and ready:

  • Trim off any excess fat or silver skin on the steaks.
  • Pat the steaks very dry with paper towels. Any moisture on the surface can inhibit browning.
  • Bring the steaks to room temperature before grilling for more even cooking.
  • Generously season both sides with salt and pepper or any other dry rub ingredients you want to use. Go bold with the seasoning as it will tone down once grilled.

Get The Grill Hot

The key to a perfect sear on your steaks is making sure your grill is ripping hot. For gas grills, turn all burners to their highest setting and close the lid for 10-15 minutes to allow it to truly heat up. You want the temperature up around 500-600°F.

For charcoal, mound the hot coals to one side of the grill and place the steaks on the other empty side to start. This two-zone fire allows you to sear the steaks over the hot coals and then move them to the cooler side if they are cooking too fast.

Oil The Grates

Right before putting your steaks on the grill, use a wad of paper towel dipped in vegetable oil or cooking spray to lightly coat the grates. This prevents the steaks from sticking. Just be sure to wear a good grill glove to protect your hand.

Sear Both Sides

Place the steaks on the hot grill and resist any urge to move them for at least 3 minutes. You want a nice dark sear to develop on the first side. Use a spatula to peek and check the browning. Once a good sear is achieved, flip and sear the second side for another 2-3 minutes. Avoid poking or pressing the steaks as that causes vital juices to escape.

Check For Doneness

How long you grill your steaks will depend on their thickness and your desired doneness. Use an instant-read meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the steak to test for doneness. Remove them from the grill when they are 5-10°F below your target temperature as they will continue to cook as they rest.

  • Rare – 120-125°F (bright red center)
  • Medium Rare – 130-135°F (warm pink center)
  • Medium – 140-145°F (hot pink center)
  • Medium Well – 150-155°F (slightly pink)
  • Well Done – 160°F+ (gray throughout)

Let Them Rest

This is one of the most important steps that most amateur grillers skip. Allowing your steaks to rest, tented loosely with foil, for 5-10 minutes after grilling helps reabsorb their juices and relax the muscle fibers. This makes them more tender and moist when you slice into them. Do not skip this vital rest time!

Serve Up A Stunning Steak

Once rested, your perfectly grilled steaks are ready to slice into and serve. Make sure to cut across the grain for the most tender bites. Pair your flawless grilled steak with some sizzling garlic butter, a flavorful steak sauce, or toppings like sautéed mushrooms. Serve alongside grilled veggies or a loaded baked potato for a complete meal.

Now that you’ve mastered grilling the perfect steak, your family and friends will be begging for more backyard BBQs all summer long. Just follow these simple tips and tricks for restaurant-worthy results right off your own grill every time. Get ready to become the neighborhood’s go-to grill master. I sincerely hope you find this “How To Cook Perfectly Grilled Steak In 2024-Tips and Tricks” article helpful.

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