Restaurant Reviews & Openings

What new flavors are introduced at the 19th Ramen Nagi branch?

Ramen Nagi is the food chain established in Japan by chef, chef-owner and restaurateur Satoshi Ikuta in 2004. Since then, Ramen Nagi has taken steps to become one of the best ramen restaurants and now inaugurating its 19th branch taking it to another level.

When the 19th branch of Ramen Nagi was unveiled, their chefs also introduced two new flavors – Butao King and Red King that served as an attractive center of attraction among the customers. Butao Kingis a signature dish prepared with special pork based Tonkotsu Broth that is mixed with fragrant garlic and onion oil; original spices and flavorful pork chashu. Red King on the other hand is prepared using creamy chicken-pork broth combined with fresh seasonal vegetables alongwith ginger & garlic seasoning that together imparts great aroma as well as gracious look to the dish. Both these ramen dishes have unique ingredients which make them stand out from existing flavors offered at this chain. To name a few– Black Garlic Oil, Organic Soy Sauce Butter, Spicy Miso Cream are used in various combination creating balanced flavor palette for diners delectation.

In addition to being available at all branches of Ramen Nagi throughout Japan, these exclusive new flavors are also available as part of food delivery services both nationwide and internationall; thus making them accessible to many individuals beyond Japan’s borders too.Nutritionally speaking, both these dishes have moderate calorie count between 620-650 CAL approximately per bowl; contain 16 – 18 gms of proteins ;7 – 12 gms of fats 8 10 carbohydrates each serving. These values provide an understanding about how nutritious they really can be when resorted upon regular basis

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Overall customers’ reviews have been positive for the newly introduced flavor — they praise it for its originality & overall unique taste offering without compromising on health aspects or quality control rule followed by brand team . For marketing purposes, Ramen Nagi has created productlife advertisements and campaigns circulating across different social media platforms building online presence across varied channels for further promotion & references .


Q1: What are the new flavors introduced at the 19th Ramen Nagi branch?
A1: The 19th Ramen Nagi branches have introduced two new flavors: Pacific Egg Curry Ramen and Truffle Soy Milk Ramen.

Q2: Where is the 19th Ramen Nagi branch located?
A2: The 19th Ramen Nagi branch is located in Tokyo, Japan.

Q3: Does this new flavor require me to pay extra fees?
A3: No, the new flavors do not require any additional fees to be paid.

Q4: Is there a minimum or maximum order for the newly introduced flavors?
A4: No, there is no limit on how much you can order of these new flavors.

Q5: Are these new flavors available only at the 19th Ramen Nagi branch?
A5: Yes, the Pacific Egg Curry Ramen and Truffle Soy Milk Ramen flavors will only be available exclusively at the 19th ramen nagi branch in Tokyo, Japan.

I hope you like reading on What new flavors are introduced at the 19th Ramen Nagi branch?.

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